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Marti Profitt
Flower 2
Flower Painting
Flower 1 (22)
Night Street
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“I value the simple, the mundane and the ephemera of the morning paintings,” says Marti Profitt. “Being a teacher, it is striking to me how much one learns and how effortless it seems when we invest our time in a daily practice.”
Marti paints in the mornings before going to work. She paints small bouquets of flowers in acrylic on small hardwood boards or small landscapes.
“It is a ritual and a meditation. I have always enjoyed making and problem solving. I am inspired by challenging myself and by process. I guess I am trying to understand why I am so drawn to the making.”
The wild Atlantic way in Ireland. North County Mayo. I have studied there twice and have a deep connection to the place.
I have been working at art since I was a kid.
I number my morning paintings and often add a note that relates to something that happened during my day.
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Showing all 6 results